Press Release


Web Initiatives

OTTO, TO SPIN OUT LOVE’S SWEET DREAM – Six humouros videos illustrate puns on Otto tiles

Novoceram, French ceramics manufacturer since 1863, launches a communication campaign via videos illustrating puns around the benefits of the Otto collection, a tile for the outside in 2 cm thick.

Novoceram, French ceramic manufacturer since 1863, has launched a campaign to launch the Otto collection, a 2 cm thick outdoor tile that can be placed on plots, on gravel or using an adhesive technique.

This campaign extols the virtues of Otto tiles as well as the Outdoor Plus range and its installation system on studs. A series of six videos, produced by Novoceram, humorously portrays a couple in six different situations for which Otto and his pose system are the perfect choice “to spin out love’s sweet dream”. These situations illustrate word games with the name of the collection and highlight the advantages of the range:
« Ottonome »: with the possibility of laying on a plot, Otto tiles can be simply installed in complete autonomy.
« Ottoportrait »: Otto is a collection with a minimalist aspect assumes, easy to appropriate.
« Ottoritaire »: a system of laying on plot allows to raise and change the slabs easily.
« Ottodidact »: tutorial videos with advices of pose.
« Ottoctone »: 100% made in France
« Ottop »: an elegant and refined collection, easy to install that allows you to enjoy its terrace without waiting.

To discover « Otto, to spin out love’s sweet dream » and to experience all the viral marketing of Novoceram, please visit our website or the Facebook page.


NAME : Otto, to spin out love’s sweet dream
TOOL : Videos
CONCEPT : Highlight the strengths of the collection Otto and the Outdoor Plus installation system
DATES : July 2018


The story of Novoceram started in 1863 in Saint-Vallier-sur-Rhône. With its 4 million m² of annual production, 42 million Euros of sales, a production site surface of 120,000 m² and 170 employees, the company is one of the leading producers of ceramic tiles in France. Novoceram adopts a constant and coherent environmental policy that has enabled it to obtain ISO 14001 certification for its Environmental Management System and ISO 50001 certification for its Energy Management System. Novoceram has been part of the group Gruppo Concorde, one of the major producers of ceramic cladding in Europe, since 2000.


Our press office, the whole Novoceram team and Management are at your disposal for any further information or for an interview about the booths, the products or the company. Do not hesitate to contact us at:

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